DBC Gifts Of Love
Book Bag & School Supply Drive
Raising Funds For Book Bags & School Supplies For Homeless School Children In The Chicago South Suburbs The funds raised and items collected go directly to organizations or schools to assist children identified as homeless under the guidelines of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, a federal law that outlines assistance available to the homeless.
On-site refreshments will be available for runners/walkers as they complete each mile on the trail and at the shelter near the registration tables. Following the run/walk there will be beverages and snacks available, opportunities for photos, interviews and a medal ceremony for all runners/walkers. Bring a lawn chair for the whole family to attend and help raise awareness and support to homeless school aged children in our community.
Thank you for donating book bags and school supplies to the students at Life Christian STEAM Academy! Often times, our parents are unable to supply our scholars with all the items they need to be successful, but because of your donation, we were able to give a book bag filled with school supplies to every child! Not only were the supplies needed, but the children were also very excited to receive them!
It is our prayer, that God will continue to bless you and your organization! We pray that as you continue to give, God will give back to you in a Luke 6:38 fashion, “good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over!